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Kondolenz schreiben

Nick Giani Rambowgestorben am 19. Juni 2019


Eric Hamilton
schrieb am 12. Juli 2019 um 18.46 Uhr

Moving to Portland, Nick was my first friend. We quickly developed a bond with our shared appreciation for music. We attended several Portland Symphony concerts together and would geek out to the sound of the brass section. My wife and I miss him terribly. I am so happy to have met Nick and nothing but love to his family.


Yolanda Guevara
schrieb am 28. Juni 2019 um 10.22 Uhr

My thoughts and prayers are with Nick's family and close friends. Nick was a bright and a wonderful person. He was always highly interested in learning. His sense of responsibility, his respect of others, his work quality and, above all, his principles and values made him the best student of Spanish class. He was the kind of young so highly needed in today's society. It is a great and a sad loss. My deepest and heartfelt condolences.


Musikzug Ofterdingen e.V.
schrieb am 27. Juni 2019 um 22.45 Uhr

Musikzug Ofterdingen e.V. Juni 2019

Die Nachricht vom Tod von Nick Rambow stimmt uns traurig.
Nick war einige Monate Ausbilder für Blechblasinstrumente beim Musikzug.
Mit einer für sein Lebensalter erstaunlich ausgeprägten Persönlichkeit hat er mit
Engagement und Können Unterricht für Blechblasinstrumente beim Musikzug erteilt.

Ihm haben wir es auch zu verdanken, dass sein Instrument, das Horn, Eingang in unsere
Aktivkapelle gefunden hat. Bei der Premiere dieses Instruments anlässlich der Frühjahrsfeier 2017
ist er auch mit seinem Horn aufgetreten. Er hat somit bleibende Spuren beim Musikzug hinterlassen.
Wir werden ihn als angenehmen und aufgeschlossenen Menschen in Erinnerung halten.
Unser Mitgefühl gilt seiner Familie und allen die ihm nahe waren.

Der Vorstand mit dem gesamten Musikzug


Bronwyn Wiebecke
schrieb am 27. Juni 2019 um 15.06 Uhr

I had the great pleasure of being Nick's English teacher at university for one semester. He was one of those students who stopped to chat after class, or when bumping into you on campus. That's how I found out Nick played the French horn. Just like my son at the time, who was still in the early stages of learning to play this difficult instrument. Soon after, Nick started inviting me to his concerts. Sometimes he played with the orchestra, sometimes with other French horn players. These concerts always gave me great joy.

Some people say it is what you know that matters. Others say it is who you meet in life that counts. I'm glad and honoured to have crossed paths with Nick. I will never forget his beautiful music or his beautiful smile. He was certainly a special person.

My thoughts are with his family and friends during this difficult time. May you find some peace in knowing that Nick was much loved.



Bosch Sinfonieorchester
schrieb am 26. Juni 2019 um 22.53 Uhr

Wir haben Nick nicht nur als großartigen Hornisten geschätzt, der mit der Musik die Herzen berührt hat.
Er hat die Herzen auch durch seine liebevolle, empathische und lebensfrohe Art erobert. Im Herbst wollte er nach seiner Rückkehr aus Amerika wieder gemeinsam mit uns musizieren und wir hatten uns schon so auf ihn gefreut.
Mit ihm ist ein wundervoller Mensch von uns gegangen, an den wir uns immer wieder gerne erinnern werden.


Jennifer L. Greenberg
schrieb am 26. Juni 2019 um 19.01 Uhr

I attended classes with Nick at Portland State (although I am probably old enough to be his mother). Immediately I knew he was bright and a real go-getter. Getting to know him I saw that he was kind, loving and enthusiastic. He was a gem. He went out of his way to compliment me after one class, and it meant the world to me. His loss is bewildering. Please know that during his time in Portland we all loved him and were thrilled to have him as part of our cohort. He was a good person, though and through. My sincere condolences to his dear family and friends.


Ahmed Badran
schrieb am 26. Juni 2019 um 13.29 Uhr

I knew Nick from university. He had a very calming presence and a genuine kind heart. He was very helpful and always willing to go out of his way to help someone in need. I am truly saddened by his passing. The world lost someone very special. My heart goes to his family and friends in these troubled times. I pray that his parents find solace and comfort in knowing what an exceptionally kind soul Nick was.

My sincerest condolences,


Jan Schreiter
schrieb am 25. Juni 2019 um 17.24 Uhr

Nick war ein wunderbarer Mensch. Er strahlte von innen heraus und steckte jeden mit seiner positiven Art an. Er strotzte nur so vor Energie und hatte dennoch ein hohes Maß an Feingefühl. Die Welt hat leider einen Menschen verloren, der sie tagtäglich zum Besseren gewandelt hat. Mit Ideen zu nachhaltigem Wirtschaften, mit seiner Empathie, mit seinen kreativen Ideen und neben unzähligem Weiteren natürlich auch mit seiner wunderbaren Musik. Nick hat Verantwortung übernommen und sich dabei der Welt mit seinen Überzeugungen gestellt. Was er dabei auf seinem Weg bereits erreicht hat, kann ihn und seine Familie mit Stolz erfüllen. Nick war zwischen September 2017 und März 2018 als Praktikant im Produktmanagement für Elektromobilität bei der Daimler AG in Sindelfingen beschäftigt. Mit ihm zusammenzuarbeiten war jeden Tag ein Geschenk und Nick hat auf besondere Art und Weise mit viel Fleiß, Zuverlässigkeit - aber eben auch mit seiner positiven Art - dazu beigetragen, dass wir Kollegen gern ins Büro gekommen sind.
Danke, Nick für Deinen Beitrag. Danke, dass Du "Du" warst - das haben wir alle sehr an Dir geschätzt. Wir werden Dich sehr vermissen...
- Jan Schreiter


Prof. Yoany Beldarrain, Ph.D.
schrieb am 25. Juni 2019 um 11.26 Uhr

My heart goes out to family and friends, my humble condolences. Every once in a while there is a student in class who stands out as being special. Nick was that student. He was inquisitive, self-directed, highly responsible, and respectful of everyone. He was considerate of the perspectives of classmates and elevated the class discussions to more a more intellectual level. Every so often, Nick hinted at how proud he was of big sister Kira, who was undoubtedly a source of inspiration. I will fondly remember Nick as the special young person he was and as someone who truly let his light "shine" around everyone he met. I can certainly learn from him. Sending healing prayers for the family and lots of love.



Prof. Dr. Jeanne Enders
schrieb am 25. Juni 2019 um 3.53 Uhr

Nick was a radiant young man who showed such deep interest in his studies here at Portland State University. His curiosity, his kindness to his fellow classmates and to his professors and his work ethic and work quality made him stand above the rest. He sought out meetings with faculty to plan his wonderful future and quickly endeared himself to all of us. We are beyond devastated to hear the news of his passing. Nick was a treasure. We will really miss him so much. Sending our most heartfelt condolences to his friends and family in Tuebingen. We cannot imagine your pain. Please know that Nick was beloved here at PSU. Viele liebe, liebe Gruesse aus Oregon <3